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Below you find a list of useful links that will help you prepare for your trip to Berlin.

You can also download our list of "Suggested Activities" as well as our list of "Vegan / Vegetarian Restaurants" on the right-hand side!

Download PDF: "Suggested Activities"

Download PDF: "Vegan / Vegetarian Restaurants"

During our walking tour on Day 1, we will pass by the Jewish School for Girls in Auguststraße, which was opened in 1930. It was one of the last pre-war buildings on the Berlin Jewish community’s terrain. After it was closed by the National Socialists in 1942 it served as a temporary hospital. The school was used by various Berlin grammar schools from 1950 to 1996. Now it hosts a temporary museum, a restaurant, and a New-York-style deli.

Although we do not have time to visit the House of the Wannsee Conference as part of the official program of the Summer Academy, we highly recommend a visit to this historic site and museum (possibly on Saturday morning).

"Jewish Berlin" provides you with a list of synagogue services in town.

Click here to find a list of great markets in Berlin!

For those of you who stay longer in Berlin, the site of the former Sachsenhausen concentration camp in the town of Oranienburg is within easy reach of Berlin`s city center.

The Berlin Wall Memorial is the central memorial site of German division between 1961 and 1989. Situated at the historic site on the Bernauer Strasse borderstrip . 

The information portal to European sites of remembrance provides an useful overview of many remembrance sites you do not want to miss while being in Berlin.

The English weekly "Ex Berliner" is written by ex-pats living in Berlin, and is another great source of information.

Berlin Unlike offers recommendations for restaurants, cafés, and all other things you want to know for your spare time in Germany's capital.

Visit the English version of Germany´s biggest weekly magazine, Der Spiegel, to get the latest news from Germany.

The Berlin Jewish Museum's online project “1933: The Beginning of the End of German Jewry” presents primary source materials that bear witness to the disenfranchisement and exclusion of German Jews, as well as to aspects of their everyday life.