Video Projects - Group "Fritz Lang"
- Große Hamburger Straße, "Street Of Tolerance" (video)
Street of Tolerance.mp4
Video Projects - "A Walk In Berlin"
- A Walk In Berlin (video)
A walk in Berlin.wmv
Elective Lines - Changing Identities
This lesson plan uses the Centropa Film based on Güler Orgun's biography "A Turkish-Jewish-Muslim Tale"
- Presentation of the lesson plan (Powerpoint)
Changing Identities - Guler Orgun.pptx
- A Centropa Film on Güler Orgun; "A Turkish-Jewish-Muslim Tale"
Mike Irwin - Living Proof
Detroit students, Lithuanian students, Serbian Students and the Ghettos.
- lesson plan, read first and disclaimer
Lesson plan, Read first, Disclaimer.pdf
- Powerpoint presentation
Mike Irwin - Powerpoint - Living Proof.ppt
- "Made in Detroit" (Detroit students' video)
Made in Detroit Video - HFASCS.mp4
- History of Belgrade (Serbian students' video)
History of Belgrade Video.mp4
- Teofila Silberring tribute presentation
Silberring Tribute Presentation Video.mp4
Centropa - ibook
Presentation of our first ibook "We Lost Our Home, We Lost Our Childhood"
- download the free ibook from the iTunes Store (iPad compatible only)
- read the multimedia ibook on Issuu (compatible with all PC's, tablets and smarphones)
Video Projects - Group "The Langer The Better"
- "The Stories We Take Home Are The Stories That Connect Us"
The Stories We Take Home.mp4
Video Projects - Group "1-2-3"
- group "1-2-3" (video)
group 1-2-3.m4v
Elective Lines - Changing Identities 2
Student create their own identity chart, watch Centropa Films and use the website
- Lesson plan presentation (word)
Changing Identities.doc
- Identity chart sample (pdf)
Identity Chart.pdf
- the Centropa Film page
Elective Lines - Kindertransport 2
"Kindertransport through 4 lenses"
- Lesson plan presentation (Powerpoint)
Kindertransport presentation.ppt
- Centropa Film on Lilli Tauber; "A Suitcase Full Of Memories"
Horatiu Suciu - Graphic Novel of Eva Deutsch
Horatiu presents a graphic novel based on the Centropa Interview of Eva Deutsch, drawn and story-boarded by his students
- Presentation (Powerpoint)
Presentation of the project - Graphic novel of Eva Deutsch.pptx
- Eva Deutsch's biography on
- The graphic novel; "We had no time to say goodbye" (PDF)
We had no time to say goodbye.pdf
Lisa Sterling - Centropa and Studio Art
Lisa's school, Greensboro, North Carolina teamed up with Balazs' school in Sopron, hungary and came up with 3 different projects:
A cookbook based on recipes taken from Centropa's film on Teofila Silberring "So That Memory Doesn't Die"
Paper Airplanes, based on Centropa's film "Love On A Airplane"
Postcards to Sarajevo, based on Centropa's film "Survival in Sarajevo"
Video Projects - Group "Coppola"
- Soviet War Memorial, Treptower Park, Berlin (video)
CSA 2013 Coppola Final.mp4
Elective Lines - Home and Identity
Identity through Centropa Films and Cultural Exchanges
- Lesson plan presentation (Powerpoint)
Home and Identity.pptx
- Centropa film; "Maps, Central Europe and History"
Elective Lines - Kindertransport
A Lesson plan based on the Centropa film on Lilli Tauber; "A Suitcase Full Of Memories"
- Lesson plan presentation (Powerpoint)
Kindertransport - Lilli Tauber.ppt
- Centropa Film on Lilli Tauber; "A Suitcase Full Of Memories"
Michal Yousfan - A Lesson Plan on Erna Goldman
A lesson plan on general history, history of Zionism, the State of Israel and the use of timelines with
- lesson plan (Powerpoint)
A lesson plan for Erna Goldman film.ppt
- link to Erna Goldman's bio on the Centropa website
- visit

Lilach Taichman - Centropa Museum of pre-WWII Czech Jewry
Lilach's students used Centropa's Czech exhibion and completed it with one of their own
- Lilach's presentation (video)
- Original Centropa Czech exhibition (pdf)
Centropa Czech Exhibition Panels.pdf
- Virtual tour of the exhibition (video)
Virtual Tour.mp4